Clínica Universidad de los Andes / Mission and Vision


Clínica Universidad de los Andes seeks to provide the patient and their family with health care that respects their individual dignity, protects their privacy and contributes to their physical and spiritual well-being. For such purposes, it applies the best clinical practices, encourages interdisciplinary work and stimulates research, within the framework of the Christian conception of the person. Inspired by the spirit of the Opus Dei, it contributes to educate health professionals that appreciate the value of a job well done and the desire to serve others.




Clínica Universidad de los Andes seeks to carry out a clinical practice based on excellence, with a warm and respectful approach to the patient and his family’s dignity. Its aim is to be recognized as a prestigious center for vital medical education, training and research, which promotes teamwork and the professional and personal growth of its members, in close collaboration with other national and foreign institutions. Public recognition and trust will allow for the Clinic to gather the needed funds to provide the community with outreach programs for those with limited resources.

Our Institutional Values

Human Dignity

This value, understood in the light of the Christian conception of the human being, is at the center of all of the Clinic’s work placing special attention on respect and care towards all; patients, family members or those who care for them.

Patient and family-focused care

A key reminder that the patient comes first: from direct medical care to the smallest administrative task, Clínica Universidad de los Andes is always focused on the patient and his family. Displayed through our noble approach to administrative processes, adequate protocols and clinical practices, the Clinic strives in placing attention on details of cordiality, interest and concern for all.

Work well done

Value that seeks to promote the development of individual talents and service towards others. It manifests itself in the effort of focusing on details, professionalism, responsibility and the initiative to carry out all tasks placing joy and optimism first in the face of adversity.

Commitment to Service

Our day-to-day work is inspired by this value. We consider service a path for personal growth; and believe that through it, we contribute in the best way to create a collaborative atmosphere  based on teamwork, one that is alert to everyone's needs.

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